What are the advantages of using the ASP scripting language? Print

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ASP can provide you with many advantages when it comes to developing web applications for hosting in a Windows web hosting environment. Although classic ASP is a very basic scripting language, ASP.NET has built on the original success of classic ASP and can provide you with some of the following advantages:


    Database support – web applications developed using ASP.NET can be built around database backends, and the use of the Windows operating system means that you can use a wide variety of database systems – the most popular database applications to use in conjunction with ASP.NET based web applications are Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access although other systems including MySQL Server can be used

    AJAX support – ASP.NET comes with native support for certain AJAX features that you can integrate into your web applications as appropriate to help make them more dynamic – AJAX stands for ‘Asynchronous Javascript and XML’ which basically means that web pages are able to interact with databases dynamically without the need for the page to be reloaded upon the transfer of data

    Video tutorials – the official asp.net website can provide you with many video tutorials that will guide you through the development of certain features as part of your website – the fact that this is the official website for the scripting language means that you can rely on the accuracy of the data and video tutorials that are provided.


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