How do I create a new client template in Plesk? Print

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The following article explains how to create a client template through the Plesk Control Panel. Client Templates are used to assign permissions to clients when they are created. A template may also be assigned to an existing client after it is created.

To create a Client Template, please follow these steps:

 1. Open a web browser and connect to your Plesk Control Panel located at https://ip address:8443

 2. Login as the Administrator using the information sent to you in your setup email.

 3. Click Clients from the General menu.

 4. Click Client Templates under the Tools section

 5. Click Add New Client Template under the Tools section.

 6. Enter the following information:


    Template Name: enter the name for the template

    Permissions: check the appropriate permissions for the template

    Limits: set the limits for the template or check unlimited to have no limit set

   IP Addresses: select the available IP addresses for the template and choose if the IP addresses should be exclusive and how many are available to each client

    Preferences: set the number of lines to be displayed on each page

7. Click Ok.


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